Hello 2020

Hello world! Welcome to 2020. 


Personally I have had a tendency to waver, unregulated and irregular, between moments of isolated apathy, dark depression, unfocused anger and lately, a strange but more calm and nihilistic sense of acceptance. We, as a species, and especially as a country, deserve this. And it will not be the end of the struggle, with looming climate change and current economic and sociopolitical struggle rampant, unapologetic and destructive as ever. 

I’ve said this for nearly 6 months now to various friends and family members, often times when they’ve been experiencing various levels of pandemic & society related stress, depression and anguish…

This is not like anything any of has had to deal with before. Not in our lifetimes. There is no rulebook on how to handle any of this, and there is far too much apathy and ignorance. We were already *sort of* scared of this virus thing. Now shit has gotten real and its a very disturbing world we find ourselves in. 

The general anxiety is palatable. The nationwide dgaf vibe is painfully obvious, and painful to watch. 

What do we do about it? Relentlessly protest, especially in those areas of the country where we need our loudest social justice warriors - if you're there, if you can. If you're not, stay loud about it. And stay home. Wear a motherfucking mask. Stop being fucking stupid about the pandemic. Stop staying quiet about how fucked up our country is right now. GET LOUD. GET ANGRY. 

Tell your racist aunt/uncle/cousin/friend from HS that they're racist and you don't agree. Tell them to eat a dick. Perhaps a bag of dicks. Tactfully. I don't know. 

The irony that we have to stay home and be safe so we don't die but also organize and gather together to fight against the insane government run by a failed businessman turned reality tv show host turned PRESIDENT is ... a fucked up dream version of the background story of the movie Idiocracy and that is a very lax description. I'll manage a better one next time. 

In the meantime please wear your god damn masks and stay the fuck home. 

